COVID-19 update and business availability

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to provide an update on various nearby facilities and businesses that neighbourhood residence likely use. It’s not an exhaustive list, just something I threw together this afternoon.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League.

In the community

  • Malmo Community League Hall is closed until further notice.  As per the Government of Alberta: 

    "Albertans are prohibited from attending public recreation facilities and private entertainment facilities.

    This includes gyms, swimming pools, arenas, science centres, museums, art galleries, community centres, children’s play centres, casinos, racing entertainment centres and bingo halls."

  • Royal Alberta Museum and the Provincial Archives of Alberta are closed. (

  • All University of Alberta fitness facilities including the Saville Community Sports Centre are closed.  (  For people with memberships:

“We have put all memberships on hold as of March 15, 2020.  This means if you have a continuous membership with us, no monthly membership payments will be charged until further notice. 

Term memberships will be extended from the time period of March 15, 2020 until we reopen facilities.  We will then add the appropriate number of days to the end of your membership. “
