Malmo Plains is a quiet residential neighbourhood in southwest Edmonton across from Southgate Centre and the University's South Campus farm. Malmo’s community boundaries are 122 and 111 Streets and Whitemud Drive and 51 Avenue NW. The name comes from the type of soil (malmo silty clay loam) found in the area.  

Most of the residential construction in the neighbourhood occurred during the 1960s, when almost three out of every four residences (72.7%) were constructed. The most common type of residence in the neighbourhood is the single family dwelling, which account for one out of every two residences (51%). The University of Alberta’s family residence, Michener Park, previously housed students (couples and families) on the west side of the neighbourhood, however that facility is currently empty and the buildings are being removed while the University makes plans on what to do with the site. The school in the neighbourhood is the Malmo Plains Elementary School (Edmonton Public School System).

For more information on the history of how Malmo Plains got its name, see

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