Front Yards In Bloom

If you would like to sign up and volunteer with the Front Yards In Bloom program to deliver nomination signs and judge yards please see VolunteerMark. The City of Edmonton are asking that all volunteers sign up directly through VolunteerMark as it helps them ensure each volunteer is supported the best way possible. If you have questions, you can find out more at or email

Michener Park Engagement Meeting

Hello neighbours,

This week (Wednesday April 21st, 2021) there will be an online Zoom meeting regarding the redevelopment of Michener Park.  I encourage you all to attend.  A PDF with the details is attached.

Please Note:  Participants will be required to register in order to gain access into the virtual meeting. Upon registering, they will be place into a virtual waiting room prior to entering into the meeting.  Participants will be muted and therefore ask that all questions and communication to the panel be directed to the chat area, a moderator will direct your questions/input to the appropriate panel member.   

This meeting will be recorded.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Michener Park April Newsletter

Attached is the April newsletter regarding Michener Park.  Those of us that live close by have seen some trees taken out and various other activities ahead of the removal of some of the buildings.  Please see the newsletter for more information.

As always, if you see suspicious activity within Michener Park, please call University of Alberta Protective Services at 780-492-5050

Ken Hemmerling, President, Malmo Plains Community League

Redesigned Street Blades

Hello neighbours,

The City has prepared mockups of street blades incorporating feedback from members of the community. Please see the PDF below and let me know which option you prefer by email to

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Michener Park March Newsletter

Hello neighbours,

The University has stepped up their game when it comes to security of the Michener Park site with daily patrols by U of A Protective Services. They are also planning on starting demolition of buildings within the site this month. Please see the details in this month’s newsletter.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Street Blade Options

Hello Neighbours,

As part of the Malmo Plains renewal, we have options on selecting the “street blades” that indicate the street, avenue, or “Malmo Road”. Previously, twelve different options were shared with the community and the top 3 choices were sent to the City of Edmonton to provide samples of how they would look. In the samples (pdf link below) the City created, they used blades of wheat to represent our proximity to the University of Alberta farm. Please let the Community League know which option you prefer via email to I’ll also post this to the Malmo Plains Neighbours Facebook group and collect feedback there.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Michener Park February newsletter

Hello neighbours,

A link to the February newsletter from the University of Alberta and the UAPTI (University of Alberta Properties Trust Inc.) is below. If you have any questions or thoughts about items for future newsletters, please contact the Community League at,, or


Michener Park Monthly Newsletter

Hello neighbours,

The University of Alberta along with the members of the Malmo Plains Community League have begun a monthly newsletter regarding the redevelopment of the Michener Park housing site.  The very first newsletter is attached.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Neighbourhood Renewal - Streetlight Upgrade

The results of the community survey for decorative streetlights are in from the City of Edmonton and the results are:

Total votes. 264
Yes. 158 59.8%
No. 106 40.2%

The next question is about the "blades" that indicate the street and avenue. 


Seniors Virtual Forum

Age Friendly Edmonton™ is an initiative co-led by the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council.  Age Friendly Edmonton together with Sage Seniors Association are hosting a “Virtual Seniors’ Forum” on November 18 through 21 that will have speakers on topics like:

  • Living well with frailty

  • Supportive and facility living options

  • Identifying and combatting ageism

  • Resources available to seniors during COVID-19

  • Managing mental health during the pandemic

  • and more!

All sessions are available online or by phone - for more information and to register, please visit Tech support is available - to request assistance with accessing the forum via Zoom, please call Sage at 780-423-5510 and leave a message. 

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Meet Heather McPherson

Hello neighbours,  

Our MP Heather McPherson will be visiting the community league this Saturday outside the Community League hall between 1:30 and 3:00 PM.  Please feel free to come down for some physically distanced ice cream.

Ken Hemmerling 

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Clarification on decorative street lights

The City of Edmonton asks the Community League for a single recommendation for decorative street lights - that’s what we did this week (June 18th specifically).  The City then takes that recommendation and surveys all the property owners in Malmo to see which they prefer:  The no-cost plain galvanized street light or the extra cost decorative option.  

This means the decision to move forward with the decorative street lights has not been made.

For Malmo to get the fancy street lights, the City needs 20% of the property owners to respond to the survey *AND* 50% plus 1 of the responses must be in favour of the upgraded light.  

For more information see:

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Back To School 2020

Hello Neighbours,

Public School Trustee Michael Janz has created a signup form to help him keep parents of school age children up to date on developments regarding the 2020 Back To School.  Please see the link below. 

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

2020 Back To School Updates

Decorative Street Light Option

Hello neighbours,

Earlier this year I asked for opinions about which option the Community League should put forward to the City as an option for an upgraded streetlight as part of the neighbourhood renewal. The most popular choice was not the least expensive option of the zero dollar galvanized plain light pole nor was it the most expensive option of fluted light pole with the Renaissance light fixture but was a reasonable middle ground of a black painted octagonal pole, with a regular light fixture. At that time some people commented that the colour choice of either green or blue could quickly date the look of the new lights so the choice was to select black as the colour.

The one option not included in the initial discussion was the selection of decorative arm. Last night (Tuesday June 16th) during the Community League monthly meeting and AGM, the options were discussed and, after a healthy debate, a vote was taken which selected the “Heritage” style decorative arm. 

The official recommendation from the Community League is: Black octagonal poles, heritage decorative arms, and regular light fixtures.

I recognize that the idea of facing an additional tax burden during a pandemic is a tough choice for some but I ask for your support to set the long term character of the neighbourhood that will last beyond the current COVID-19 situation.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League


Mental Health

Hello neighbours, I recently received some useful information from the Canadian Mental Health Association that I wanted to share regarding our isolation due to COVID-19. The attached PDF has additional information on these best practices:  

  • Gather info from trusted sources

  • Adopt personal hygiene protocols

  • Establish a routine

  • Make self-care a priority

  • Keep in contact with others

  • Reach out for mental health support

  • Acknowledge your anxiety

COVID-19 & Mental Health

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

COVID-19 update and business availability

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to provide an update on various nearby facilities and businesses that neighbourhood residence likely use. It’s not an exhaustive list, just something I threw together this afternoon.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League.

In the community

  • Malmo Community League Hall is closed until further notice.  As per the Government of Alberta: 

    "Albertans are prohibited from attending public recreation facilities and private entertainment facilities.

    This includes gyms, swimming pools, arenas, science centres, museums, art galleries, community centres, children’s play centres, casinos, racing entertainment centres and bingo halls."

  • Royal Alberta Museum and the Provincial Archives of Alberta are closed. (

  • All University of Alberta fitness facilities including the Saville Community Sports Centre are closed.  (  For people with memberships:

“We have put all memberships on hold as of March 15, 2020.  This means if you have a continuous membership with us, no monthly membership payments will be charged until further notice. 

Term memberships will be extended from the time period of March 15, 2020 until we reopen facilities.  We will then add the appropriate number of days to the end of your membership. “
