West 240 Open House

Hello neighbours,

For years now, the University of Alberta has had a long range development plan (LRDP) for the farmlands north and northwest of Malmo Plains.  Recently, significant cuts to the UofA’s budget have changed those plans - specifically, the University needs that land to become a source of income to offset their funding cuts.  If this sounds familiar, it’s because it is:  This is exactly what they are in the process of doing with Michener Park.

In the short term, the UofA’s LRDP needs to be amended to allow the transfer of ownership of the farmland west of 122 St (informally known as the “west 240” but legally known as “sector 14”) from the University of Alberta to the “University of Alberta Property Trust Inc.” or UAPTI.  The University will be doing public consultations regarding this amendment on June 29 as shown in the attached PDF.

To the best of my knowledge, they will not be discussing the future plans for that land as those will be the responsibility of the Property Trust.  

If you have questions or are just interested in getting more information, I suggest you attend the session on the 29th.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League