December 2022 Michener Park Update

Hello Neighbours,

Below is a link to the December 2022 Michener Park update. As anyone who’s driven by the site recently has seen, Vanier tower is mostly torn down and cleanup of the rubble continues. The Vanier tower cleanup is the only work taking place as work on grading the site has stopped for the winter.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

CTV in Malmo October 26

Hello neighbours,

Just a quick note that CTV will be live in Malmo Plains on Wednesday (Oct 26) morning to shoot a piece about our Mike and Kelsey's Halloween house on Malmo Road.  I don't have exact times but believe they will start around 6:40 AM.  I hope to see you there.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Michener Park Update - Sept 2022

Hello Neighbours,

Attached is the most recent update from the UofA regarding Michener Park.

TL;DR Vanier tower will be down by the end of November and site grading will continue throughout the fall.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Financial Empowerment for Seniors

Hello Neighbours,

The, Malmo Plains Community League will host a free presentation by Servus Credit Union on Financial Empowerment for seniors, including information about preparing for the future and protecting yourself from financial abuse, exploitation, and fraud. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Malmo Plains Community League
11525 48 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

Spaghetti Dinner, September 17

Hello neighbours,

The Malmo Plains Spaghetti dinner is back! Come join us at the hall on September 17th. Please use the link below for more information.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Sidewalk closing temporarily - Now Open

Update September 30: The path is now open once again.

Hello Neighbours,

Heads up that the section of sidewalk along the Whitemud Drive sound barrier, directly south of Michener Park, will be closed starting September 2nd. No word yet on how long it will be closed. Pictures attached.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

EPCOR Construction on 122 St

Hey Neighbours,

I recently received this notice from EPCOR regarding construction on 122 St north of 51 Ave. I'm not sure how widely this had been distributed and couldn't find a reference to it on the EPCOR web site so I thought I'd post it hear for everyones reference. PDF attached.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Communtiy League

City letter re: Michener Park

Hello neighbours,

I recently received a letter from the City of Edmonton regarding the redevelopment of Michener Park. I've scanned the letter and accompanying site plan inbut found the site plan difficult to visualize. In as attempt to better appreciate the layout for the new development, I pasted the site plan on to a satellite image from Apple Maps. Sadly, the overly did not come out looking as good as I envisioned. The letter, the site map, and the site map overlayed on a satelliite image are all in the attached PDF.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

Questionnaire on a new Community League Hall

Hello neighbours,

The Community League needs your help. Below is a link to a questionnaire and the Community League would really appreciate if you could take some time to look through the pictures and diagrams to provide some feedback on the proposed hall redevelopment. Some items to take note of:

  • Page 2 shows a shortened skating rink. [Edit] I originally wrote that this would be a future consideration but have since been told that this is a key component of the hall redevelopment. [/Edit]

  • The from entrance as shown on page 4 faces the existing parking lot more-so than it faces 48 Ave.

  • The north side of the hall that faces 48 Ave as shown on page 6 could be dressed up with additional trees or could be home to some other type of future item. [Edit] This may contain something that and indigenous reconciliation initiative as recognition the community resides on territory 6 treaty land. [/Edit]

  • A close examination of the floorpan on page 12 will show the use of gender neutral washrooms where the toilet stalls had full height doors providing privacy.

The attached questionnaire is a Word document which can be edited to add your comments on your computer or can be printed for comments to be added by hand. In either case we’d ask that the completed questionnaire be returned by Wednesday June 29th. Completed Word documents can be emailed to or hand printed copies can be left either in the mailbox at the current community league hall [Edit] or at the mailbox for the redevelopment committee chairperson Chris Outlette’s house at 4919 Malmo Road. [/Edit]

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

MCL hall development open house

The opportunity to review and provide feedback on the development plans for the new hall before they are set in stone is here. You can come down to the hall in person this Thursday, the 23rd 6:00pm to 9:00pm or at the Malmo school gym this Saturday the 25th 10am to 3pm.

Should you be unable to attend these events an online questionnaire will be made available in the coming days. You will be able to find it here on the website, through our facebook or will be emailed a copy if you are on our email distribution list.

Thanks to EPCOR Drainage

I just wanted to post a quick note of thanks to EPCOR Drainage who provided a grant of $800 to help cover the cost of the skating rink at the community league last winter. The support of EPCOR Drainage is appreciated.

Ken Hemmerling

President, Malmo Plains Community League

South Campus Neighbourhood Coalition meeting

Hello neighbours,

Tonight, I attended the quarterly SCNC (South Campus Neighbourhood Coalition) meeting and wanted to share just a few notes:
Michener Park

  • Vanier Tower abatement is being done by the same contractor that did the rest of the site and the tower should be totally removed by late summer.

  • There will be a public hearing on July 5th. Details will be posted on the UAPTI web site

West 240 / Sector 14
Phase 1 includes a meeting that was held with nearby communities with a second to be scheduled for July and an open house in September.  Phase 2 will include the hiring of an urban planner and the development of an initial plan.  I'll share the details of the open house when they're finalized.

Finally, dedicated web sites for both the new Michener Park and the West 240 / Sector 14 development will be coming although there was no timeline given for these.

Ken Hemmerling
President, Malmo Plains Community League

Green Shack

Hello Neighbours,

The Green Shack Program is running in Malmo again this year and the person running the program is Rider Khal.  The program will be operating Monday to Friday by the community league hall between July 4, 2022 and August 25. Please see the attached poster. 

Ken Hemmerling
President, Malmo Plains Community League

Malmo Community League Hall Redevelopment Update: Spring 2022

Link to the current MCL Hall Redevelopment Plan Part 1. Part 2.

Currently, MCL IRC has fundraised grant matching funds from our project partners of $900K, City of Edmonton ($450K), Westcorp($200K) & Malmo Community League ($250K), of the estimated $1.5M project cost. In late February 2022, the IRC received the news that our new hall grant applications submitted on June 1, 2021, to the Gov't of Alberta grant application (CFEP) and to the Gov't of Canada's Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) for the funding gap of $600K were not successful. The number of grant requests this year far exceeded the allotted money for either grant program. In addition, priority ranking was given to projects that were "shovel ready" meaning they could proceed with construction within 3-6 months of receiving funds. Given this feedback and with the Hall project's City of Edmonton Project Manager's, Laure Kowalashyn's, encouragement the IRC has opted to forge ahead with the "Design Phase" of the project to develop the project's 100% construction drawings to be development permit-ready ~ June 2022 and go to tender ~ September 2, 2022. The IRC is actively pursuing replying to CFEP, CCRF and other grant options available in the coming year to bridge the project's funding gap. As part of the fundraising effort, the IRC will be organizing a community and sponsor donation campaign alongside the detailed design process happening this summer with the Prime Consultant holo blok. Currently, the IRC is looking for some community volunteer talent in the areas of fundraising and grant application writing and of course donors and sponsors. Contact Chris Ouellette, IRC, Co-Chair at or 780-887-1637 to get involved or have any questions. Please come to the next Malmo Community League AGM at 8 PM, April 19th, to meet with the members of the IRC, MCL Executive and holo blok and provide feedback on the first steps of the design process that includes a site plan, floor plans, project elevation details, overall project dimensions, an estimate of construction costs and donation/sponsor opportunities. The Concept Phase functional program and masterplan can be found on the MCL Facebook page or via the attached link.