Girls Intro to Fencing - FREE. Sunday Dec 15th

If you are a girl and are aged 7-14 and always wondered what it would be like to try fencing, then register now for this free event lead by Olympic Fencer Kelleigh Ryan.

Kelleigh Ryan is a Tokyo 2020 Olympic fencer, living in Alberta. She received a grant last year from the Canadian Olympic Committee to help spread fencing to groups that may not always try fencing. One of the aspects of her project is to put on a FREE girls intro to fencing event in Edmonton.

It’s happening on Sunday Dec 15th at 3925 99 St NW, Edmonton.

See the attached the poster with more information and QR codes for easy registration. Links are also below.

Malmo July 2024 News, Newsletter , Summer BBQ & Other Happenings

From the President:

Summer BBQ


Malmo Summer BBQ - Saturday July 6th 12pm-3pm.

Malmo Hall, 11525 48 Ave

I'm looking forward to our Summer BBQ. It was our first big social event last year and went really well. I expect that this year, it will be quite a bit bigger. It is a great way to have some fun and meet some neighbours. Attendance is Free for all Malmo Residents

This year we are working to increase the fun activities for kids. We will have

Bouncy Castle

We will have our bouncy castle set up. It is quite the hit with the kids.

Face Painting

Also we will have Julia's Jubilant Face Painting for the full 3 hours. She has done a fantastic job for the Malmo Preschool events and the kids absolutely loved it.

Games & Activities

This year we will have games and activities hosted by the Girl Guide Rangers. These are the high school aged Girl Guides. They are the ones that do cookie sales in the neighbourhood and they have their weekly meetings at the hall. They were extremely excited to volunteer with the community. 

Free Malmo Jerseys

As I've been going through old items in the hall I found lots of old soccer and baseball jerseys. We started giving them away last summer. But we still have 5 boxes left, so lots to go around!

Free Food & Drinks(non alcoholic)

We will have hot dogs and hamburgers, as well as lots of sides. We also work to offer Halal, & Vegetarian/Vegan options. If you have any dietary concerns, please email me. And if you wanted to bring food for dietary restrictions, we would welcome and can provide reimbursement.(With prior approval and receipts)

First Aid Training in Malmo - July 20, 2024

We recently purchased an AED machine for the hall. Muhammad, the vice president, brought up the point that we should work to train our members in First Aid. So that we can make the most effective use of the AED machine, if the time ever comes where it is needed.

We are offering a First Aid/CPR course for Malmo Residents.The cost is $30 for Malmo residents. The in-person training will be held at the Community league hall on July 20, 2024.

An online training is required to be completed before the in-person portion. If you are interested you can sign up through our online store at

If you have any questions, email

The deadline to signup is June 30, 2024. But we will likely be holding more courses in the future(likely in the winter)


July 2024 Print Newsletter

The July Newsletter should be hitting mailboxes over the next week. I've had a couple residents who have reported not receiving their print newsletter in the mailbox. If you haven't received yours by July 5th, you can email me or Connie at 

I've attached the pdf of the July 2024 newsletter. You can also read past newsletters are our website

Trent Charles

President, Malmo Plains Community League

May 2024 Malmo Plains Community Newsletter

The Malmo Plains Community League Newsletter May2024 edition has been delivered to your door. If you would like a PDF to read, you can download a screen-res version or a high-res edition suitable for printing.

In this episode, as always you get an update on the AGM, upcoming programming along with the latest list of events and Message from our President and his take on dealing with muscle pain and more.

March 2024 Malmo Plains Community Newsletter

The Malmo Plains Community League Newsletter March 2024 edition has been delivered to your door. If you would like a PDF to read, you can download a screen-res version or a high-res edition suitable for printing.

In this episode, as always you get and update on Spring Programming along with the latest list of events and Message from our President. You can also find out about registration for the choir. As well, please read the heartfelt letter from the Malmo School Principal….and more!

January 2024 Malmo Plains Community Newsletter

Check out the latest Malmo Community Newsletter and catch up on the news and upcoming events.

Check out the latest Malmo Community Newsletter and catch up on the news and upcoming events.

You can download a high res or screen res version. Check out this month’ President’s message. Catch up on news about our ice rink, opportunities to volunteer including becoming our new Soccer coordinator and an update on our Winter programming and more.

Malmo Rink: Fresh Ice, New nets

Want to skate or play shinny? The Malmo Community Rink ice is ready and the rink his new nets too! Watch for a rink schedule coming in the near future. Thanks to Tim Weis for his hard work in making this happen. Photo: Tim Weis.

Your Action is Needed!!! Malmo Safety Update – Trent Charles, President, Malmo Nov 2023

Your Safety Statistics are Needed!

It’s been amazing connecting with so many Malmo residents over the last few months! There is so much warmth and dedication from our gem of a community. In my conversations with community members, the #1 issue is safety. We’ve been getting the ball rolling, and recently I met with the Chief of Staff (Yonathan Sumamo) for Minister of the Public Safety and Emergency Services (Mike Ellis). To spur action, they want us to provide a formal letter with as much data as possible. We will be sending a joint letter with Southgate Mall. Your statistics will greatly help us strengthen our letter!

Have you experienced crime or a lack of safety in Malmo? Please let us know by emailing or filling out this Google Form (There will not be any personal information disclosed in the letter, we will be providing totals).  

If possible, we would like to know:

  • Date/Time

  • Type of incident

  • Dollar value involved

  • Personal injuries?

  • Police called

  • Outcome

For Malmo Hall, we were broken into twice over the past 3 months. First, our main door handle was broken through. A few weeks later, the deadbolt of our garage door was cut through with an angle grinder. In total, our repairs cost $2,651.10. Thankfully Malmo resident Mike R. witnessed the second break-in and called police, who were able to recover the stolen belongings and apprehend the suspects.


An Open Dialogue with EPS - Mark your Calendar

Saturday November 25th 2pm-4pm at Southgate Baptist Church

Our second quarterly Safety Meeting is an Open Dialogue with Edmonton Police Service  Saturday November 25th 2pm-4pm at Southgate Baptist Church (11107 51 Ave). As frontline workers, EPS shoulder a lot of public criticism and blame. In my meeting with Police Chief Dale McFee, I learned that EPS is working hard to enforce safety, and they shared that they can be limited by external factors such as government policies. They are excited to share the initiatives they have in motion, tips to keep our neighbourhood safer, as well as answer any questions from residents.

In my meetings with different stakeholders, one crucial element that seems to be missing are lines of communications- whether it is between the city and province, between the city and the community, or the province and community. Our goal with the Open Dialogue is to start the flow of communication, starting with the community and EPS. We all need each other to create a successful outcome!

*To ensure your questions are answered during Q&A, please submit them to beforehand.

Trent met up with Police Chief Dale McFee to discuss Malmo safety

Here is a replay of that meeting.

Malmo Community November - December 2023 Newsletter

The latest news from the Malmo Community for November & December is hot off the press. You can download a pdf here if you would like to print it. It’ll also be delivered soon to your door.

In this issue, you can read about the Malmo Safety Update from our President Trent Charles about what’s going on, what’s been improved and how you can submit any incidents you’ve experienced or witnessed (anonymously).

You’re also introduced to our New Webmaster Greg Gazin and his authoritative research findings on Radon - a potentially silent cancer causing gas that is found in Malmo. You also get a look at this year’s MALMO Community League budget, an update on upcoming events and more.